15 juni 2009


Sorry for the delay

Congratulations Hege from Hege's papirblogg. You are the lucky winner of my candy! Please e-mail me at: idamelby@gmail.com with your address and I will get the stash in the mail for you :)

Haven't had time to take a picture yet but will get to it now that I have finished the laundry & dinner! :)

For my next candy I want to give you all a heads up, I'm so fed up with certain ladies in blog-land just wanting to enter for free stash and not even reading the rules/criterias for the candy. And this does not just apply to candy posts but to challenges to, I know I have done it once for twice my self when in a hurry, but time after time, ah come on! If the color is blue you don't use orange. Sorry for bursting out to all my blog readers about this, I just had to get it off my chest. So be a sport and READ the whole post next time! :)

Thanks to all who joined in have a great week :)

9 kommentarer:

Wiccababe sa...

congrats to Hege
I know exactly what you mean - but we've all done it Ida lol
I'll be keeping them on their toes when I do my candy for 10,000 hits - its going to be a wee bit more complicated :)
have a great evening ida

Tonje sa...

Hurra for Hege.... den heldiggrisen!

Gina sa...

LOL go Ida go Ida :) you do make me smile
Hugs Gina xxx

Angella sa...

:)....jeg humrer for meg selv!
Få ut gruffet Ida:)...hehe! Du er tøff...Jeg heeelt enig med deg:)

Anonym sa...

Jeg er sååå glad!!! - tenk at jeg skulle vinne da!!

- har sendt deg mail med adressen min! Gleder meg!!!

Carole RB sa...

Congrats Hege

Tanya sa...

Congrats to Hege!!!

Anonym sa...

Yeah I know what you mean, I always try to do everything correctly (part of ME is paranoia about what people think of me!) The only problem I have is I sometimes can be forgetful or so excited about a challenge I make small boobs like read piecing as piercing...doh!

I'm thinking of doing my next candy a bit different to the norm.
When I enter candy I like to pick ones with blogs that I would like to follow & then go back & comment etc, I have made some nice friends this way. I feel guilty if I just enter for the stash & dont pay my respects to their work, which is why you should be on their blog in the first place right? sorry I'm babbling...got on my soap box a bit!!
PS I do apologise if I forgot to do something on your candy!!!!!

Hugs Helen x

Gry-Heidi sa...

Gratulerer til Hege :)
... og jeg er helt enig med deg Ida:)

Klem, Gry-Heidi